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Art Education:

Perspectives for approaching the body in education, situated experience in creation FIDAMOV




Educación, Educación Artística, Cuerpo, Corporeidad, Relación Pedagógica, FIDAMOV.


From the experience of the doctoral programme at the University of Barcelona and research with the Nego Fugido cultural manifestation in Brazil, different approaches to the body have emerged, which are taken up in this article to provide possibilities for building the pedagogical relationship with the body in arts education. To share a localised experience in Chile related to the creation of a Festival that seeks to link movement arts programming with art education plans in and out of school, as a possibility to strengthen or develop art education and at the same time contribute to the formation and development of audiences.

Author Biography

Consuelo Alejandra Cerda, University of Barcelona

Licenciada en Artes mención Danza Contemporánea, Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Educación Interdisciplinaria de las Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona. Doctoranda en Arte y Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona. Productora cultural y directora ejecutiva del FIDAMOV (Festival Internacional de las Artes del Movimiento)


2023-09-02 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

ALEJANDRA CERDA, Consuelo. Art Education:: Perspectives for approaching the body in education, situated experience in creation FIDAMOV. Brazilian Journal of Dance Research, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 115–145, 2023. DOI: 10.58786/rbed.2023.v1.n3.59015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 dec. 2024.