Alteração da rotina ocupacional de crianças com TEA pós separação parental: um enfoque nas ocupações infantis

Change of ASD children’s ocupacional routine after parental divorce: a focus on children occupations




Transtorno do Espectro Autista, Familia, Terapia Ocupacional


Introduction: Parental separation triggers a series of changes in family dynamics, which alter the occupations and routines of all family members. It is known that people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tend to have strong attachments to routines. In this way, this study sheds light on the difficulties that children with ASD face in the process of parental separation from their parents. Method: A descriptive qualitative study was carried out using an anonymous online form. Participants were mothers or fathers of children with ASD, daughters of parents who had separated. The sampling definition was defined using the saturation technique. 10 parents participated and the data was analyzed using Content Analysis procedures. Results: The results of this study highlighted several changes in children's occupations, such as changes in playing, behavior, social interaction, eating, rest and sleep and self-care. Discussion: The research provided data that helps to think about Occupational Therapy actions compatible with the demands expressed by families experiencing parental separation. Conclusion: It is noted that the practice of Occupational Therapy is essential for managing new routines for children with ASD in the face of parental separation.

Author Biography

Débora Ribeiro da Silva Campos Folha, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Terapeuta Ocupacional
Especialista em Docência da Educação Superior/UEPA
Mestre em Educação/UFPA
Doutora em Terapia Ocupacional/UFSCar
Professora do Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA)


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