
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not under review in any other journal. Any departures from this policy should be justified under “Comments to the editor”.

  • The file submitted must be in Microsoft Word (*.doc; *docx) or RTF.

  • URLs for references must be included for all that are possible.

  • Formatting Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, top and left margins 3cm and bottom and right margins 2 cm.

  • The text follows the style guidelines and bibliographic requirements listed above under Guidelines for Authors on Submissions menu.
  • The file is completely anonymized, as indicated under item 1.g of Guidelines for Authors and the instructions under Ensuring a blind peer-review are followed.

Author Guidelines

[Guidelines PDF version]

1. General Guidelines

a)  Revista Linguíʃtica has as its editorial focus articles relevant to the thematic areas related to one of six general lines of research (Studies of Indigenous Languages and Minoritized Languages, Grammar in Generative Theory, Variation and Linguistic Change, Functional Models Based on Use, Language, Mind and Brain, Linguistics, Education and Innovation) and accepts electronic submissions of papers unpublished elsewhere that are of the highest scientific caliber.

b) For each issue of the journal, an author can submit only two papers: one as main author and another as second author. Having one or two of these papers published, the same author must wait 3 issues until the next submission to the journal.

c) Besides papers, the journal accepts submissions in the form of interviews, book reviews and/or review articles, and short articles (squibs). Only one such paper in these special formats may be published per issue.

d) The same paper may not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or preprint server. In such cases, the editors must be consulted.

e) Papers may be published in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish.

f) Submissions should be thoroughly proofread by the authors before submitting. The editorial board reserves the right to conduct editing and send it back to the authors for required revisions. Papers with major problems of style, format, or adherence to these guidelines may be rejected prior to peer review.

g) Files in format *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf  cannot include authors’ identity and must be anonymized in the text and in metadata. Papers will only be associated with metadata through the online submission portal. When submitting online, it is of the utmost importance to carefully fill out fields: author, coauthor, affiliation, email, abstract, and biographic data.

h) The journal employs the Creative Commons Non-Commercial License 4.0, which permits partial reproduction, sharing, and adaptation of articles for non-profit objectives. In case of for-profit pursuits, the editors should be consulted.


2. Formatting guidelines

2.1 Articles should be between 10 and 25 pages, from title to references, without counting figures. This should be between 35,500 and 89,000 characters, including spaces. Squibs should be between 5 and 10 pages (between 18,000 and 35,000 characters), and for reviews and interviews, between 3 and 8 páginas (between 10,700 and 28,900 characters).

2.2 Articles must include a title, abstract, and keywords in Portuguese and English (as well as the language of submission, if not one of these two) and references at the end of the paper.


2.3 Articles should be formatted as follows:

a) Body of the text:

  • Page size A4
  • Font times new roman size 12
  • Line spacing 1.5
  • Left-justified paragraphs with a margin of  1.25 cm from the first line onwards
  • Top and left page margins of  3 cm and bottom and right page margins of 2cm
  • File format *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf.

b) Titles:

  • The title should be at the beginning of the paper, in all-caps, font Times New Roman, size 14, centered, spacing 1.5.
  • A title translated into English and/or Portuguese should come one line below, in italics, with spacing 1.5, all caps, font Times New Roman, size 12.
  • If the article is not written in English or Portuguese, the title in Portuguese should be one line immediately below the original title, followed by the English version, both in italics, spacing 1.5, all caps, font Times New Roman, size 12.

c) Abstract and keywords:

  • The abstract and keywords must be supplied in both Portuguese and English (as well as the original language, if not one of these two).
  • The word abstract/resumo in the original language should appear two lines below the titles, with spacing 1.5, left-aligned, font size 11, in all caps, boldface, and followed by a colon:
  • The abstract text in the original language should appear right below the word ABSTRACT in the original language and must be a maximum of 250 words in a single paragraph, with simple spacing, left-justification, no indentation, and font Times New Roman size 11.
  • Between 3 and 5 keywords in the original language should appear one line below the abstract text, preceded by the phrase “KEYWORDS:” (in all caps with a colon), font Times New Roman size 11.
  • Following the abstract and keywords in the original language, the abstract and keywords should appear in the translated language(s), with the same formatting.
  • If the original language is neither English nor Portuguese, all three versions should appear, in the order: original language, Portuguese version, English version.


3. Internal structure of text

a) Illustrations – figures, graphs, tables, and charts should have a title/caption and an indication of their source. When they are produced by the author, they should indicate that they are the author’s own elaboration. This caption should come below the illustration.

 b) Footnotes – explanatory notes should be used as little as possible, and appear as footnotes throughout the text.

c) Expressions in Latin or other languages distinct from the text source should be placed in italics.

d) Section titles should not be indented. They should be numbered, boldfaced, and with the first letter capitalized. (See examples of already-published papers in the journal as helpful examples.)

e) In the text, if book, film, or music titles are mentioned, they should be italics, with only the first letter capitalized, except for proper names which should follow the conventions of the original name.


4. Citations

Citations should follow the guidelines of the Brazilian ABNT, as follows:

4.1 Author names within the text:

a) Citations outside of parenthesis: First letter capitalization and parentheses around year and page (abbreviated with p.) cited:

Example: According to Marcuschi (2008, p. 154), a textual genre is …

b) Citations within parentheses: all-caps, followed by year and page :

Example: To master a textual genre may be said to be mastering a mode of realization (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 154).

4.2 Indirect and indirect quotes

a) Indirect quotes: do not use quotation marks, but cite the author, year and page.

Example: In accordance with Marcuschi (2008, p. 174), there is a strict relation between textual genres and the support they rely on.

b) Direct quotes of less than three lines: use double quotes, indicating the author, year, and page. In case of a quote within a quote, use single quotes.

Example: The notation of a textual genre has been recognized as “every verbal act is realized according to the text of some genre” (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 154).

c) Direct quotes of more than three lines: use a paragraph with 4cm of indentation, font size 10, no quotation marks or italics, and at the end, in parentheses, the author, date, and year.

Example: Regarding the relation between textual genres and discursive domains, we must emphasize that

[...] para a noção de tipo textual, predomina a identificação de sequências linguísticas como norteadora; e para a noção de gênero textual, predominam os critérios de padrões comunicativos, ações, propósito e inserção sócio-histórica. No caso dos domínios discursivos, não lidamos propriamente com textos, e sim com formações históricas e sociais que originam os discursos. (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 158, italics in original)

d) Adaptations of direct quotes: indicate elided material by ellipses in square brackets:

Example: Speaking of discursive domains, “lidamos [...] com formações históricas e sociais que originam os discursos.” (MARCUSCHI, 2008, p. 158).

4.3 Authors with multiple works:

a) Citation of more than one work from the same author and the same year: add a lowercase alphabetical letter, after the year, without space, both in the text and references:

Example: Os estudos sobre oralidade e sua relação com a escrita têm trazido significativas contribuições para o campo do ensino de língua portuguesa. (MARCUSCHI, 1997a, 1997b).

b) Citation of the same author from different years: separate each year by a comma.

Example.: Marcuschi (1991, 1996, 1997, 2008) também se dedicou ao estudo dos processos de leitura e compreensão textual.

c) Citation of works by multiple authors: separate each by a semicolon.

Example.: À luz dos estudos variacionistas, pode-se afirmar que todo falante domina diversos registros de sua própria língua, considerando as múltiplas redes de interação social e cultural de que participa. (FARACO; ZILLES, 2017, p. 36).

d) Citation of works by different authors: separate each by a semicolon, in alphabetical order.

Ex.: A ideia de que cada falante, no seio de uma sociedade diversificada e heterogênea, se caracteriza por ser uma espécie de poliglota em sua língua perpassa diferentes obras. (BECHARA, 2007, p. 4; FARACO; ZILLES, 2017, p. 36).

e) For all other cases, please consult directly the guidelines of the ABNT.

f) All authors cited in the text must be listed in the references section at the end. The references section at the end should be limited only to works that were actually cited within the text.


5. References

5.1 The reference section should appear after the very end of the article, in alphabetical order by last name, with no indentation on the second line, with left-justified alignment, and with simple line spacing throughout.

5.2 The basic form of references are exemplified below:

a) Books: Specify the author(s) (according to their last surname, in upper case, and with first name and all other names following a comma. The book title should be in italics, the subtitle (if any) without italics, and the edition, publisher, date, and address of publication included.

Example.: MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antônio, S. Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008.

b) Book chapters: Specify the authors, the author of the chapter and chapter title, followed by the expression In: and then the complete reference of the book, including the pages in question. If the book author and book editor are the same, substitute their name by six continuous underlines and a period. To indicate editors, employ (ed.), (org.) ou (coord.), respectively, in lower case and singular.

Example: MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Ethos, cenografia, incorporação. In: AMOSSY, Ruth (org.). Imagens de si no discurso: a construção do ethos. São Paulo: Contexto, 2008. p. 69-92.

c) Theses, dissertations, or monographs: include the author, title (in italics), subtitles (if any, without italics), year of conclusion of the work, number of pages, type of thesis/dissertation/monograph, degree, and course in parentheses, with the academic unit and address and defense date.

Example: FREITAS, Elir Ferrari. "Isso é trabalho de mulher!": mídia e memória discursiva de masculinidade em trabalho do lar. 2017. 145 f. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos de Linguagem) – Instituto de Letras, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2017.

d) Article or section of a periodical/journal: indicate authors, title of the article, subtitle, title of the periodical/journal in italics, subtitle, address, volume number and issue number, year of publication, and page range.

Example: ALVES, Ida. Em torno da paisagem: literatura e geografia em diálogo interdisciplinar. Revista da Anpoll, Florianópolis, v. 1, n. 35, p. 181-202, jul./dez. 2013.

 e) Newspaper article: Specify author, title, subtitle, name of the newspaper (in italic), place of publication, section of newspaper, and corresponding pages. If there is no section, the page numbers should precede the date.

Example: SALLES, Walter. A língua de Cesária aproxima o Brasil de Cuba e Cabo Verde. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 abr. 2001. Folha Ilustrada, Caderno E, p. 10.

f) Work published in an event: indicate authors, title, then the expression In: name of the even in capitals, number of the event (if applicable), year and place of the event, title of the document (annals, etc), publication year and place, and pagination.

Example: FERES, Beatriz dos Santos. Espelho, espelho meu: a sedução de uma cultura de massa. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE ESTUDOS SOBRE DISCURSO E ARGUMENTAÇÃO, 3. Alagoas. Anais [...]. Ilhéus: Editus – Editora da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, 2016. p. 710-720.

g) Document exclusively available via electronic media (databases, sites, programs, software, etc): include authors/developers, title of the service/resource/program, and the place and year of publication of the electronic media.

Example: HOUAISS, Antônio et alDicionário eletrônico Houaiss da língua portuguesa. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2001. 1 CD-ROM.

h) If some of the references are available on-line, then besides the reference one must include the following information: URL between angled brackets, preceded by the expression “Available at:”, the date of access of the document (day, month, and year, separated by space), preceded by “Accessed on:”. The URL should be hyperlinked.

Example: ALVES, Ida. Em torno da paisagem: literatura e geografia em diálogo interdisciplinar. Revista da Anpoll, Florianópolis, v. 1, n. 35, p. 181-202, jul./dez. 2013. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 15 mar. 2019.

Example: VERISSIMO, Luis Fernando. Doença: perdemos o paraíso da ignorância satisfeita. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 31 jan. 2019. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 13 mar. 2019.

i) If the item has a DOI, its number should be included at the end of the reference (option 1), or instead of an electronic address (option 2).

Example: option 1 (preferred): CANCEIRO, Nádia. Relações referenciais em frases coordenadas e subordinadas adverbiais. Revista Linguíʃtica, Rio de Janeiro, v. 14, n. 2, p. 139-170, set. 2018. Available at: < >. Acesso em: 07 abr. 2019. DOI: 10.31513/linguistica.2018.v14n2a17481.


Example: option 2: FONTANILLE, Jacques. Práxis e enunciação: Greimas herdeiro de Saussure. Gragoatá, Niterói, v. 22, n. 44, p. 986-1004, dez. 2017. ISSN 23584114. Available at: < >. Accessed on: 07 abr. 2019.

j) In case of more than one reference to the same author in the references, the second entry should replace the author’s name with a continuous line equivalent to six underlines long.

BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Estética da criação verbal. 6. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011.
______. Questões de literatura e de estética: a teoria do romance. 4. ed. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1998.

k) In case of an autor with more than one work from the same year, add a letter in lowe case, in alphabetical order, without a space.

FREUD, Sigmund. O ego e o id. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1997a. 68p.
______. Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1997b. 120p.

l) For all other cases, please consult directly the guidelines of ABNT NBR 6023:2018.

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