Racism and language: placing paths to anti-racist education





language, education, racism.


In the present work, we present a sample of our intervention proposal applied in a public school in the State of Paraíba, linked to the Professional Master’s Program in Letters (PROFLETRAS - UFPB), in which we focus on the development of critical reading through the analysis of memes. Here, we describe how only one of the activities was carried out, making a thematic cut, since our objective is to discuss about the racism observed in some linguistic constructions. According to Kilomba (2019), racism is discursive, it spreads through the language we use, and we, teachers of languages, must pay attention to this fact mainly in our classes, to contribute to an anti-racist education and help not to perpetuate racial discrimination in Brazil. Thus, we started with the theoretical contribution, tracing discussions through the statements of Kilomba (2019), Ribeiro (2018; 2019), Almeida (2019), among others, to then demonstrate an example of activity that we carry out in the classroom, which, centered on the analysis of some racist phrases that are used in our daily lives without observing the discriminatory burden they carry, proved to be quite effective in providing the necessary anti-racist reflection.

Author Biographies

Juliana Araújo de Andrade, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Mestra em Letras pelo PROFLETRAS, na Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Professora de Língua Portuguesa na rede municipal de João Pessoa e na rede estadual da Paraíba.

Marineuma de Oliveira Costa Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)

Doutorado em Linguística e professora associada da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, lotada no Centro de Educação, no Departamento de Metodologia da Educação. Vice-coordenadora do Profletras, Campus IV - UFPB.

