Linguistic Literacy and Portuguese Grammar Teachinglearning in Brazil
Literacy, Linguistic literacy, Portuguese teaching-learning, Portuguese grammar teaching-learning.Abstract
Based on the theoretical support offered by Ravid and Tolchinsky (2002), this paper presents the theoretical and programmatic foundations which sustain the concept of linguistic literacy, and two other subsidiary concepts -- metacognitive and metalinguistic development. It delineates its main characteristics and situates it as one of the core concepts in the discussion about Portuguese teaching-learning in Brazil. Such characteristics are employed as the starting point for a critical argumentation about the hegemonic views for the idea of literacy in Brazil: individual and social literacy (Street, 1994; Kleiman, 1995; Soares (1998; 2003). Te assumptions about linguistic literacy and its contribution for the improvement of Portuguese teaching-learning will support the discussion of a text written by Francisco Platão Savioli (2014), which describes the history of grammar teaching-learning in Brazil; his text is defned in this paper as following the four main perspectives of Portuguese teaching-learning discussion, which have not been changed in the latest four decades. Tis critical analysis inspires and motivates observations about the structural problems of grammar teaching-learning and research in our country. It will also be used as the basis for the proposition of didactic-pedagogical actions related to the idea of linguistic literacy as one of the goals of Portuguese teaching-learning.References
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