Anaphoric Direct Object as Referential Strategy: Didactic Mediation for Basic Education
Study and use of anaphoric direct object, Continuous linguistic variation, Referencing strategies, Collaborative Teaching.Abstract
This is an action research (TRIPP, 2005) for the study and use of the anaphoric direct object in the seventh grade of middle school. In Brazilian Portuguese, this category can be performed by means of clitics, noun phrases, personal pronouns and by a zero anaphora (the null direct object), being therefore the direct object a variable realization. Schools generally focus on the study of clitics, based on the memorization of terminologies and on decontextualized activities that do not reflect its use. Te objective of this work is precisely to develop didactic activities that allow the student to deal with the four strategies of realization of the direct anaphoric object, depending on the linguistic event in which the students are inserted. It is a didactic mediation based on the collaborative approach of teaching and learning (BEHRENS, 2013) associated to two linguistic theories: i) the linguistic theory of referencing (KOCH, 2006; WERNECK, 2015, CAVALCANTE, 2010) and ii) the linguistic theory of continuums (BORTONI-RICARDO, 2004, 2005), with emphasis on the continuous orality-literacy.References
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