The Linguistic and Extralinguistic Componentsin the Construction of Senses


  • Maria Aparecida Lino Pauliukonis Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Genre of text, Organization of discourse, Linguistic and discursive strategies.


Tis article intends to present an analysis of a journalistic text -- magazine report -- through the conception of text as discourse or the text as an event in a dialogical situation, in which linguistic and discursive elements may be manifested. Having the Linguistic of Text and Te Analysis of discourse as the fundamental theories, it is possible to observe the functions of the Grammatical component, its realization according to the linguistic Code, and the discursive operations by the subjects that are concerned to a communicative contract, in order to produce effects of sense and influence.

Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Lino Pauliukonis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Departamento de Letras Vernáculas Língua Portuguesa


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II. Para a relação entre ensino de gramática e produção de sentidos