The VS/SV Position in Brazilian Portuguese: Tradicion, Research and Teaching
Teaching, Linguistic variation, VS/SV order, TransitivityAbstract
The PCN (1998) indicates that the primary goal of the teaching of Language Portuguese as mother tongue is the presentacion of the students to a linguistic variation and to stop the liguistic discrimination. However, the teaching of Language Portuguese in school today still following the prescription of traditional grammar, disregarding the linguistic reflection about on the uses of the speaker. Accordingly this issue, is perceived the gap between the papers the linguistics researches and the material that leave in schools. Considering the subject, this paper talks about the relationship between the axes of the traditional grammar (ROCHA LIMA, 2012; CUNHA & CINTRA, 2013), linguistic research (SANTOS, 2008; SANTOS e SOARES DA SILVA, 2012) and teaching (BASSO; OLIVEIRA, 2012; FRANCHI, 2013), with focus on the subject order -- SV/ VS --, in some contexts, the transitive, intansitive and unaccusative verbs. Te frst moment, we were presenting the factors for SV/VS order and the difference between the verbal transitivity, emphasizing the divergence between the unaccusative and intransitive mono-argument verbs. Te second point is the analysis of the didactic book Português: contexto, interlocução e sentido (ABAURRE; PONTARA; ABAURRE, 2013), frequently used in public schools of Rio de Janeiro and to notice how the linguistic phenomena are approaching. In our analysis, we observed that didactic book is based in grammar traditional, disregard the reflection about subject order ant verbal transitivity. Based this observation, we judge to be valid to propose some exercises commented about the topics discussed above, focused oral and writing genres, intented for the second year of High School, based on the Currículo Mínimo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2012).References
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