From the Mirror to the Mirror: Fiama, the word reflects the other word




Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, mirror, image, self-reflexivity, representation


By establishing a link with W.B. Yeats' famous phrase "mirror turn lamp" (1936), which was the origin of the title of M. H. Abrams' well-known book, The Mirror and the Lamp (1960) devoted to the poetic theory of Romanticism, this essay tries to read two verses by Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, in order to attempt to systematize the metapoetic discourse of one of the most self-conscious writers of twentieth-century Portuguese literature. The aim is to reconstitute and problematize this discourse, giving special emphasis to the book in which these verses are inscribed, Área Branca (1978), since it represents, in all the production of the author but also in the wider field of Portuguese poetry of the second half of the twentieth century, a place of qualitative transmutation of the great poetological questions that have attracted modern and contemporary poetic creation, at least since Romanticism - language and representation, word and image, memory and imagination, identity and alterity, metatext and hypertext, tradition and individual talent -, and that in her work were the object of a dialectical synthesis of unusual reflexive trepidation.

Author Biography

Joana Matos Frias, Universidade do Porto

Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, Departamento de Estudos Portugueses e Estudos Românicos, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto


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