(Socio) Linguistic Knowledge of Portuguese Language Teachers in High School: An Entnographic-collaborative Study





In the perspective of Educational Sociolinguistics, it is understood that the (socio)linguistic knowledge of Portuguese language teachers implemented in their different actions, conceptions and pedagogical practices can contribute to better linguistic performance of students or suppress it. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze, through Collaborative Ethnography, how teachers understand the (socio)linguistic knowledge they use in the classroom and how such knowledge can expand the communicative competence of high school students. The work was based on studies by Bortoni-Ricardo (2005, 2008, 2017), Hymes (1972a, 1972b,), Faraco (2008, 2015), Erickson (1988, 1990), Gumperz (1982), Magalhães (2011) , Costa (2016), Vieira (2017) and others. This work is part of our doctoral research, whose methodology is qualitative in nature, of the Collaborative Ethnography type, based on Sociolinguistic theories. Among other results, it was observed, through collaborative ethnography, that developing students’ communicative competence demands much more from teachers than mastering a set of technical and conceptual knowledge, requiring, above all, awareness and conviction of what to do with the knowledge they have, to define the extent to which they constitute a possibility of achieving certain objectives. The research results also allowed us to understand that teaching (socio)linguistic knowledge is inseparable from the social, historical and cultural contexts in which it was produced, as it is in these contexts that the conditions for the construction of this knowledge, typologically identified, are promoted, considering the basic theoretical approach adopted, namely: knowledge required by the school system and culture, strategic and interactional knowledge and conceptual and experiential knowledge.

Author Biography

Catarina de Sena Sirqueira Mendes da, Universidade Federal do Piauí. Teresina, PI, Brasil

Possui Licenciatura em Letras/Português pela Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI (1975), Mestrado em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC (1979), Doutorado em Lingüística pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP (1989) e Pós-Doutorado em Linguística pela UnB (2012). Atualmente é professor Associado, nível IV, da Universidade Federal do Piuaí, lotada na Coordenação de Letras Vernáculas - CLV e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras - PPGEL /UFPI. É sócio efetivo do Grupo de Estudos Linguísticos do Nordeste ( GELNE); é sócio efeitivo da Associação Brasileira de Linguística (ABRALIN); é socio efetivo da ANPOLL no GT de Sociolinguística; é sócio efetivo da ALFAL. Foi Presidente do GELNE no período de 1991-1992. Foi Chefe do Departamento de Letras em 1991, Coordenadora do Mestrado em Letras no periodo de 2015-2017 e Subcoordenadora do PPGEL no ano de 2017 a 2019. Tem experiência em Linguística, com ênfase em Sociolinguística, atuando principalmente nos seguintes áreas: Variação Linguística, Oralidade, Letramentos, Alfabetização, Pesquisa Colaborativa, Etnografia da Comunicação e Sociolinguística Interacional.

