The concept of multidimensionality and its potential contributions to the representation of vertical and horizontal relations in construcional networks
In this paper, we seek to point out the potential contributions of Diessel’s model (2019) to the representation of vertical and horizontal relations in construction networks. To do so, initially, we start from basic concepts present in several works that have been good references in our research (cf. Hilpert, 2014; Goldberg, 1995; 2006; Traugott, 2008; Traugott; Trousdale, 2013) and point out aspects related to vertical and horizontal relations that we believe still lack a certain theoretical refinement. Next, we present the dynamic and multidimensional model proposed by Diessel (2019), which helps us understand that these are different ways of representing the network, given that the same construction involves multiple connections. For Diessel (2019), when it comes to the grammatical network, these connections can be of a morphological, syntactic, sound, lexical or semantic field nature. Also the relationship between them can involve similarity (semantic, semantic and formal or just formal similarity) or contrast. Finally, we show a brief analysis of the constructional network of conformity, according to Oliveira (2023).
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