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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles must be unpublished and original material, not being reviewed by another journal for publication.
  • The submitted manuscript file must be a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF file format.
  • URL links for the references must be provided when available.
  • The manuscript must follow stylistic and bibliographic guidelines outlined in “Author Guidelines”, which can be found in the “About” section of the journal.
  • If the article is submitted as an article type that is peer reviewed (e.g. papers), guidelines available in “Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega” must be fulfilled;
  • The “Código de Conduta e Boas Práticas” prescribed by LaborHistórico must be followed.
  • The authors should state that the articles are their own work, and that any third party material used is referenced and used in a legitimate way. Plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data will not be allowed.
  • The authors declare that they have not used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to produce the content of the article and/or to translate parts of the text. Specific cases should be noted in the notes to editors.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

I. General Guidelines

1. LaborHistórico accepts original papers and translations of papers related to the field of Historical Linguistics.

2. LaborHistórico accepts papers written by Masters, PhD and graduate students in general.

3. The papers may be written in Portuguese, English, Galician, Spanish, Italian or French. Regarding the translations, the originals may be in any language translated into Portuguese.

4. Once the paper is submitted to LaborHistórico, it cannot be submitted to another Journal at the same time.

5. The submission process is through the Open Journal System Platform at the webpage of Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Revista LaborHistórico, Online SubmissionsLaborHistórico accepts electronic papers in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats.

6. Papers in discordance with the Journal's guidelines will not be accepted.

7. LaborHistórico editorial Committee considers for reviewing and publishing the scientific relevance, originality and clearness of the submitted papers.

8. LaborHistórico editorial Committee will tell the authors whether their papers are accepted with no restrictions, accepted with partial alterations or rejected.

II. Paper submission: editing guidelines

1. The lenght of the papers should be between 7.000 and 10.000 words long, including citations, footnotes and bibliographical references, in 12pt Times New Roman font single-spaced.

2. The name(s) of the author(s) such as their filiation must be omitted in the submitted copy.

3. The title of the paper comes in the original language followed by an English translation. In the case of papers written in English, the original title must be in English followed by a Portuguese translation.

4. The papers must have an abstract (100-300 words), 5 keywords in the original language of the paper followed by an English translation. In case of papers written in English, the abstract and the keywords must be written in English, followed by Portuguese translations of the abstract and keywords.

5. The papers must be internally organized in numbered sections and subsections.

6. Examples in languages different from the language of the paper must be followed by translations of glosses. Examples must be numbered.

7. Pictures and graphs must be provided in .jpg or .png format. Pictures, graphs and tables must have their font indicated when they were not made by the author of the paper and must obey copyright rules in case of other fonts.

8. The footnotes are numbered along the text.

9. The citations up to 3 lines come in the text body, between inverted commas. Citations longer than 3 lines must come in a proper paragraph.

10. The cited references, in the text body or in citations, must be in the following format: a) reference: Author (year, p. page number), such as Lightfoot (1979, p. 37); reference between brackets: (AUTHOR, year, p. page number), such as (LIGHTFOOT, 1979, p. 37). For further information, the author should refer to the ABNT guidelines.

11. References, limited to the cited works, must come at the end of the text alphabetically ordered, in accordance with the ABNT guidelines.

a) Books:

SURNAME, name. Title (in italic) and subtitle (no italic), when present. Edition. Local of Publication: Editor, date. Example:

LIGHTFOOT, David. Principles of Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.

b) Chapters:

SURNAME, name. Title of the chapter. In: whole reference. For each chapter of the same author, use 5 dashes followed by a “.” replacing the author's name. Organizers, editors, coordinators are referred as (Org.), (Ed.) or (Coord.), respectively. Example:

ROBERTS, Ian. Language change and learnability. In: BERTOLO, Stefano (Ed.). Language Acquisition and Learnability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. p. 81-125.

c) Papers

SURNAME, name. Paper's title. Journal (italic), volume and/or number of journal, pages, date. Example:

DÉCHAINE, Rose-Marie; WILTSCHKO, Martina. Decomposing Pronouns. Linguistic Inquiry, v. 33, nº 3, p. 409-442, 2002.

d) Dissertations, thesis and monographic papers:

SURNAME, name. Title (italic). Type of work. Institution, University, city, date. Example:

MARTINS, Ana Maria. Clíticos na história do português. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística). Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1994.

e) Published papers presented in congresses:

SURNAME, name. Title. In: Title. Local: publisher's, year. Volume, pages.

CASTRO, Ivo. Para uma história do português clássico. In: Actas do Congresso Internacional sobre o português. Lisboa: Colibri, 1996. v.2, p. 135-50.

f) For further cases, refer to the ABNT guidelines.

12. Online articles follow the same guidelines for printed articles, including information of the date of access. Example:

MATTOS E SILVA, Rosa Virgínia. Teorias da mudança linguística e a sua relação com a(s) história(s) da língua(s). Linguística - Revista de Estudos Linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, v. 3, p. 39-53, 2008. Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2015.

13. The editorial committee will reject papers that do not follow the editing guidelines provided here.

III. Translations

LaborHistórico accepts the submission of papers originally published in foreign language, exclusively related to the field of Historical Linguistics and translated into Portuguese, provided that: 1) the original text is submitted as an attachment to the translated version, with indication of the original publication; 2) an authorization from the original publisher or from the author of the original paper is also given. Besides that, the translated paper must have an abstract (100-500 words) explaining the importance of the original text and presenting the author. This abstract replaces the abstract and keywords presented in original papers (see previous section). The evaluation process obeys the established criteria for the papers: review process, adequacy and relevance for the field. The author of the translation is responsible for its adequacy and relevance. LaborHistórico editorial committee may reject any submission that is discordance with the criteria explained above.

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