This is an outdated version published on 2023-12-01. Read the most recent version.

Dance and teaching:

between challenges and possibilities




Formação de professores de dança, Ensino de dança na escola.


The article focused on the training of dance teachers for the school context, with the aim of understanding how the initial training of dance teachers has been configured in Brazil, in the context of a public university with a consolidated track record in the area. Theoretically, it worked with the idea of the reflective practical professional, in conjunction with professional teaching knowledge. Methodologically, it used narrative interviews. The analysis was built around the axis: the initial training of dance teachers. It is argued that students should be able to experience teaching in a school environment, even though it is difficult to find teachers with this training working with dance teaching in schools. The conclusion is that the teaching and learning processes in dance dialogue and adhere to the perspective of the studio and reflective practice.

Author Biographies

Cecília Silvano Batalha, Education Foundation of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro

Fundação Municipal de Educação de Niterói (FME), Niterói–Rio de Janeiro (RJ)–Brasil. Professora de Dança. Doutora em Educação pela UFRJ. Pesquisadora vinculada ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Didática e Formação deProfessores (Geped/UFRJ/CNPq).

Giseli Barreto da Cruz, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professora da Faculdade de Educação da UFRJ vinculada ao Programa de Pós graduação em Educação. Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Didática e Formação de professores (GEPED/CNPQ). Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPQ e Cientista do nosso Estado da Faperj.


2023-09-02 — Updated on 2023-12-01


How to Cite

SILVANO BATALHA, Cecília; BARRETO DA CRUZ, Giseli. Dance and teaching: : between challenges and possibilities. Brazilian Journal of Dance Research, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 28–48, 2023. DOI: 10.58786/rbed.2023.v1.n3.58970. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.