Lexical and orthographic variables in the lexical access of words in Brazilian Portuguese





Psycholinguistics, Lexical Access, Word Recognition, Mental Lexicon, Lexical Decision.


Which variables influence lexical access in Brazilian Portuguese? The present work aimed to analyze the influence of the main lexical and orthographic variables on lexical access: a. lexical frequency, b. orthographic neighborhood, c. grammatical category, d. number of letters, and e. number of syllables. Dual-route models of reading postulate different routes for lexical and orthographic processing, in which these variables differently influence the stages of word processing. Therefore, for a better understanding of the mental lexicon, the influences of these variables should be analyzed in Brazilian Portuguese. To this end, it was applied a psycholinguistic experiment with a lexical decision task in visual modality between words and pseudowords selected and created from the Brazilian Portuguese Lexicon. The results showed the following significant differences: words were recognized faster than pseudowords; high-frequency words were recognized faster than medium-frequency words, which were recognized faster than low-frequency words; high orthographic neighborhood words were recognized faster than low orthographic neighborhood words. These results suggest that these variables influence word processing in lexical access. Furthermore, the results of the variables number of letters and number of syllables indicate gradual effects on word recognition. Thus, the present investigation contributes to a better understanding of reading processes during lexical access, as well as, validate the selection, creation, and control of stimuli with the use of corpora in experimental psycholinguistic research in Brazilian Portuguese.

Author Biography

Gustavo Lopez Estivalet, 1. Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) 2. Laboratório de Processamento Linguístico (LAPROL)

Professor da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) na área de Teoria e Análise Linguística. Realizou pós-doutorado (PDJ/CNPq, 2018) no Laboratório da Linguagem e Processos Cognitivos (LabLing) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasil, com pesquisa sobre o processamento fonológico e o acesso lexical em crianças disléxicas e não disléxicas. Possui doutorado (GDE/CNPq, 2016) em Neurociências e Ciências Cognitivas na Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Lyon, França, com pesquisa sobre o processamento morfológico e o acesso lexical em falantes nativos e não nativos. Possui mestrado (CAPES, 2012) em Linguística na UFSC com pesquisa sobre a aquisição da linguagem e a produção oral em língua estrangeira. Possui graduação em Letras - Língua Francesa e Literaturas, habilitação em licenciatura e habilitação em bacharelado na UFSC. Tem interesse em linguística, psicolinguística, neurolinguística, linguística computacional, fonologia, morfologia, sintaxe e ciências cognitivas. Possui formação de Técnico em Eletrônica.

