The magic words: Lexicon of the associative field of magic in the medieval cantigas
Historical Linguistics. Medieval cantigas. Magic. Galician-Portuguese. Lexicon.Abstract
This article investigates the lexicon pertinent to the associative field of magic in the Galician-Portuguese medieval cantigas. Affiliated to a philological perspective, we access the episteme of Galician-Portuguese culture through its lexical repertoire. The corpus consists of the edition of the Galician-Portuguese medieval cantigas. We analyzed the cantigas categorized by the subtheme omen/ astrology/ superstitions, from which it was possible to list the lexicon that names or updates a series of elements that relate to the universe of magic. A glossary, in alphabetical order, was also made, comprising all the occurrences identified in the corpus. From this work derive some directions towards the understanding of the construction of the concept of magic in the Middle Ages. We concluded that there was a tendency to demonize the woman and that there was yet no implication of magic as a synonym of bad, but a strong tendency of associating what is magical with failure and decay.
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