“Minha jóia querida”: A linguistic analysis of the forms of adress in Antonio Lobo Antunes's War letters.





António Lobo Antunes, Forms of Adress, Emotions, Epistolary Genre, Interpersonal Relations


In this work, we seek to demonstrate how the linguistic resources deployed in epistolary forms of address attest the construction and/or evolution of emotions and interpersonal relationships of its author and their representations. To do so, we analyze all the war letters written by António Lobo Antunes (ALA), during the
Portuguese Colonial War and compiled in the book D’este viver aqui neste papel descripto (2005), highlighting three distinct periods: before the birth of his daughter, before the author received photographs of his daughter, and after seeing some of these records. Our work focuses essentially on describing the linguistic strategies associated with the forms of address in love letters as markers of intimacy, drawing on contributions from epistolary theory – such as Haroche-Bouzinac (1995), Diaz (2002), and Seara (2008) – in love epistolarity – e.g. Brenot (2000) – and from the discursive-pragmatic studies of ALA’s war letters – e.g. Seara (2009). The detailed analysis of the aspects listed allows us to systematize how the linguistic resources
deployed in these constructions provide clues to understanding the evolution of the author’s interpersonal relationships, as it is a coded writing that stems from spontaneous expression.

Author Biography

Mariana Ninitas, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa | Universidade Aberta. Lisboa, Portugal.

Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (ESELx)| Universidade Aberta (UAb) | Laboratório de Educação a Distância e E-Learning (LE@D)




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Artigo - Dossiê "A expressão de emoções no gênero epistolar"