Gastronomy undergraduate course dropout at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: Weberian contributions for understanding the phenomenon



Gastronomy, University dropout, Public higher education, Professional qualification.


The article deals with Max Weber's conception intertwined with the study of dropouts in the Gastronomy course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. The focus is similar to that used by Max Weber and seeks to capture meanings expressed by the evaders. This strand of analysis is fruitful for understanding the social processes of social groups concerning the possibilities and qualities of education. This work is part of the thesis project, whose analysis deals with the non-compulsory presentation of the diploma for the exercise of the gastronome profession. We seek to understand better the paradoxes, causes and contradictions that led students who entered the Graduate Course in Gastronomy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro between 2014 and 2020 not to complete the course. It is understood that the Weberian contributions lead to the understanding of the dropout phenomenon in the university context, through the analysis of the causes and characteristics, under the student, teaching and institutional triad, helping to understand and minimize problems in an interconnected and articulated way to the pedagogical project of the course.





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