“Mulheres de tacho”: the education for domestic work in the rural district of Taquari (1940-1960)



Gastronomy, Rural neighborhoods, Division of labor, Care work


This text aims to reflect on education for domestic work, through the perspective of food and culture, taking as its focus the rural neighborhood of Taquari, located in the municipality of Leme, in the interior of São Paulo, in the middle of the 20th century. The analysis is based on a bibliography about the traditional ways of life of the region's inhabitants and their economic and social relations, plus the accounts of my maternal grandmother, who was born in the neighborhood, about her childhood memories. It can thus be seen that education for work and for fulfilling social functions is marked by the division between the male and female genders, which materializes in children's daily practices and experiences. In a dichotomous way, in this context, visible work, referring to activities that involve financial remuneration, is associated with men, while domestic work – which includes, among other tasks, preparing food and meals – is linked to women. In this sense, this text reiterates the importance of valuing women's experiences, as well as the dimension of care work, essential activities for maintaining life, society and economy.

Author Biography

Ana Júlia Galassi Gobesso, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brasil

Graduada em Ciências Sociais (FFLCH-USP) e Mestra em Educação (FE-UNICAMP).





Narrativas, relatos e estudos de caso