Gastronomy and elective (dis)connections: notes on the dynamics of a scientific field



Gastronomy, Scientific field, Tourism and Hospitality,


This essay reflects on the Gastronomy configuration as a field – in a Bourdieusian sense – considering its relations with other fields and their interfaces. Although it is a large and complex field, this text focuses specifically on Gastronomy as a scientific field. From the field concept, the expression “elective (dis)connections” was proposed to elucidate the dynamics that occur when a new scientific field, such as Gastronomy, emerges, interacting with already consolidated scientific fields. Through a literature review, some of these (dis)connections were exemplified, considering mainly bibliometric research on the interface between Gastronomy and the scientific field of Tourism and Hospitality. Finally, some preliminary considerations are proposed, regarding these (dis)connections and the evolution of Gastronomy, to assist in its consolidation as a scientific field.

Author Biography

Rafael Cunha Ferro, Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (UniVAP), São José dos Campos, SP, Brasil

Mestre e Doutorando em Hospitalidade pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi e Graduado em Gastronomia pelo Centro Universitário Senac Campos do Jordão. Professor da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba na graduação em Gastronomia. Currículo Lattes: <>. E-mail:





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