“It's not just about cooking, and it's about thinking about gastronomy!”: the formative importance of the Regional Meeting of Gastronomy Students



Gastronomy, Education, University, Student Body, Political Organization,


In 2016 in Brazil, a Gastronomy students movement was formed whose origin comes from higher education courses concentrated in the Northeast region. The Regional Meeting of Gastronomy Students was an event aimed to integrate the student body and encourage greater student agency in education-related multiple problems. From this, this essay aims to reflect on the importance of such a meeting, highlighting its developments and contributions to training in Gastronomy. In the first moment, we discussed the beginnings of the movement and its engines; in the second, brief reports are presented about the events that have already taken place and their main outcomes, and then we present some developments of the student movement driven by the meeting. We conclude that the group responsible for creating and executing the meeting was a pioneer in this area by organizing the student movement in Gastronomy. These were responsible for leading several discussions and actions that went beyond the academic environment and had vast comprehensives repercussions in different areas of the field, especially in education and training in Gastronomy.

Author Biographies

Túlio Martins de Oliveira, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Bacharel em Gastronomia (UFRPE); Mestrando em Sociologia (UnB); Docente de Gastronomia (IFSP-Campus Avaré)

Gabriela Brito de Lima Silva, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília, DF, Brasil

Bacharela em Gastronomia (UFBA); Mestra em Alimentos, Nutrição e Saúde (UFBA; Doutoranda em Nutrição Humana (UnB)

Barbara Cassetari Sugizaki, Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Coimbra, Portugal

Bacharela em Gastronomia (UFC); Mestra em Alimentos e Nutrição (UNESP); Doutoranda em Patrimônios Alimentares: Culturas e Identidades (Universidade de Coimbra)





Dossiê temático: educação superior em Gastronomia