Cooking as a craft: discussing gender in professional kitchens from a Chef’s sociolabor trjectory



Gastronomy, Sociology of trades, Trajectory, Cooking, Women chefs


Cooking is an activity that requires many simultaneous and overlapping steps, making it a complex task that requires specific knowledge incorporated and guided by practical experience. In professional kitchens, this transmission takes place in a relationship of prestige, hierarchy and power. While the act of cooking is often associated with women's domestic activities, professional cooking is considered an art form and has historically been associated with men. In this context, this study aims to discuss possible discriminatory practices related to gender issues in the professional environment of gastronomy. This study used qualitative research methodology, in-depth interviews with a chef from Recife. By analyzing both her professional career and her biography, we can get a clear idea of the meanings and senses attributed by her to her occupation and to cooking. In addition, the interviewee brought up fundamental issues related to the challenges faced by women in the profession.

Author Biography

Aline de Amorim Cordeiro Viana, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE, Brasil

Mestranda em Sociologia (PPGS/UFPE); Bolsista CAPES; Especialização em História Social e Contemporânea (FUNIP); Graduada em Gastronomia: Gestão e Operação (UNIVERSO/Recife). Participa do Grupo de Estudos em Sociologia do Trabalho e Ofícios (GESTO/CNPq) e Labor Movens: Condições de Trabalho no Turismo (UnB).





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