Brazilian rapadura mills influence at sítio Moitinga in Ubajara´s gastronomy



Gastronomy, Ibiapaba region, food culture, sugarcane, non-centrifuged sugar,


Brazilian rapadura production in the Northeast dates from the 16th century. Ceará is one of the biggest rapadura producers. The regions of Cariri and Serra da Ibiapaba stand out for the production of rapadura. Ubajara, a municipality located in the microregion of Ibiapaba, mesoregion of the Northwest of Ceará, Brazil. In this municipality, some rapadura mills are installed at the Sítio Moitinga community. The production of rapadura and derivatives is handcrafted by the families, characterized by the heredity of the production. The rapadura mills drive the local economy. The study analyzed the rapadura food culture in gastronomy and its influence on local food. The research was carried out in two stages: (1) carrying out a historical and cultural survey of the mills in the region, visits to the rapadura producing mills. (2) applying a semi-structured questionnaire to its founders/owners, identifying the food culture and the importance of rapadura and its products for local gastronomy. The study identified the socioeconomic importance of rapadura, culinary preparations and the influence exerted by mills on gastronomy in the community and the municipality.

Author Biographies

Josilane Mendes Cavalcante, Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Campus Ubajara, CE, Brasil.

Formada em Gastronomia pelo Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Céara.

Patrícia Campos Mesquita, Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Campus Ubajara, CE, Brasil.

Mestre em Tecnologia de Alimentos

Claudia de Sousa Rodrigues, Instituto Federal do Ceará (IFCE), Campus Ubajara, CE, Brasil.

Graduando em Tecnologia em Gastronomia





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