Cora Coralina: a reading about housework and gastronomic sensibility



Gastronomy, Confectionery, Feminine, Poetry


This article proposes a reinterpretation of the affective load linked to the domestic production of sweets recorded in poems by Cora Coralina. By exposing the invisibility of domestic work and the marginalization of national confectionery, we seek to highlight the exploitation of this female daily life. A theoretical contribution was developed on themes such as domestic and reproductive work, from the theoretical Silvia Federici, and on the production of sweets in Brazil, historically associated with the feminine.

Author Biography

Anna Carolina Deodato, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.

Cozinheira por formação e mestranda em literatura comparada pela UFRJ. Tenta superar o medo da realidade por meio da escrita, ainda que todas as suas publicações até então sejam puramente acadêmicas.





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