Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 3 (2024)
					View Vol. 26 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-10-26


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Alea: Estudos Neolatinos – Organized by the Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures (Letras Neolatinas) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the journal is a non-profit, open access, quarterly scientific periodical part of the group of Brazilian scientific journals in the Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO which joined the Open Science program, having earned the “Qualis A1” top-grade evaluation granted by CAPES, the Brazilian Government Development Agency, and indexed in SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, among other regional indexers such as Latindex and Redalyc.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos has as its mission the dissemination of original research works, of a high scientific impact, from various fields of knowledge production related to the broad area of Literature, specifically, of Romance-language letters (Letras Neolatinas), in the areas of study of Hispanic Literatures, Italian Literature, French-language Literatures, and other literatures in Romance languages such as Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan; Galician or Provençal, as well as other Romance-language Literatures produced in cultural contact with other linguistic universes. Thus, the journal publishes critical and historiographical studies of each cultural universe in the Romance language landscape, as well as studies in theory, comparative studies, and translation studies of interest to the understanding of this universe, accepting works written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos only accepts the submission of unpublished works, in printed or electronic media, except for those made available as preprints in the SciELO repository. It does not accept simultaneous submissions for evaluation with another journal.

All works suited to the journal’s profile are subjected to the Peer Review process, receiving the evaluation of at least two ad hoc consultants (reviewers) chosen from specialists in the field.

The abbreviation of its title is Alea, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and in bibliographic references and captions.