Pedagogia da História da Música Brasileira para a Educação Básica Maria Alice Volpe, editora-chefe, Mário Alexandre Dantas Barbosa, editor convidado
Pedagogy of the History of Brazilian Music for Basic Education Maria Alice Volpe, editor-in-chief, Mário Alexandre Dantas Barbosa, guest editor
Diversity, tokenism, non-canonical musics, and the crisis of the humanities in U.S. academia Alejandro L. Madrid
Pedagogy of Brazilian Music History, historiographical issues in multidisciplinarity Maria Alice Volpe
Brazilian Music History in Basic Education: intellectual challenge, pedagogical exercise and political responsibility of the music educator Mário Alexandre Dantas Barbosa
The Educational Action of the Villa-Lobos Museum in the context of institutional changes Claudia Nunes de Castro, Marcia Ladeira Monteiro
The approach to music history in the notebooks of the method Sinta o Som method in the municipal network of Rio de Janeiro Aline da Paz, Glauber Resende Domingues