Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Outras Danças, Muitas Histórias
Based on the assumption that ‘a change of costume does not imply a change of mannequin’, and understanding that merely changing the objects of study in dance history does not imply a significant change in the craft, this dossier called on researchers from African and Abya Yala countries to face up to the epistemological questions that guide our historiographical theories and methods.
To this end, the following triggering question was proposed to the researchers: What are the specificities of thinking about and making historiographies of dance in places that went through the colonial process as colonies? Readers will find unpublished texts by authors from Argentina, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mozambique and Venezuela, dedicated to examining historical processes, theories, situations and events permeated by the colonial process or its consequences from different perspectives.