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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Full Issue
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In the midst of chaos, a reason to celebrate
Ivan Bursztyn, Claudia Mesquita Pinto Soares, Daniela Alves Minuzzo, Rodrigo Cotrim de Carvalho
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Artigos originais
Italians Mad at Food: virtual performance in defense of cultural food identity
Luiza Giordani
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Kitchen Politics: the role of kitchen in political rhetoric
Sandra Fernandes Morais
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French gastronomy terms in Brazil: an analysis of the variations in the meanings of pastry and bakery terms
Patrick da Silva Cardoso, Rita Maria Ribeiro Bessa
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Caracteristics and examples of the gastronomic offer related to the geological heritage within the Global Geoparks Network (GGN)
Ricardo Gomes Ramos, Jasmine Cardozo Moreira
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Challenges and possible paths in the relationship between Gastronomy and health promotion: teachers' perception on the role of the gastronomer graduate in Brazilian federal universities
Isis Fonseca Sá, Gustavo de Oliveira Figueiredo
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Doce Seco: a delicacy from Seridó Norte Riograndense
Mônica do Vale Paiva, Paulo Henrique Machado Sousa, Alice Nayara Santos
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Paths of training in gastronomy abroad: a literature review on higher education in four countries
Filipe Pessoa dos Santos, Paula Ramos, Juliana Dias Rovari Cordeiro
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Sacralization and food: a reflection on RE 494601 and African matrices religions
Fabiana Bottrel Corrêa, Maria Conceição Oliveira
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Narratives of silencing in professional training in Gastronomy: (un) told stories about women in the professional cuisine
Juliana Ferreira da Silva, Juliana de Andrade Rocha Gonçalves
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Ensaios teóricos
Gastronomy and elective (dis)connections: notes on the dynamics of a scientific field
Rafael Cunha Ferro
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Theoretical-methodological point of view: approaches between semiotics and Gastronomy
Marcos da Veiga Kalil Filho
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Relatos de experiências
Remote cookery workshops: experience report in a public school of the federal education network
Renata de Souza Nogueira, Elga Batista da Silva
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Chinese college students’ commensality practices: an experience report in the canteens of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Georgia Aline Fernandes, Ericka Rocha Calabria
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Narrativas, relatos e estudos de caso
Dear Paulo Freire, let me talk with you about Sapere, Foods and Literature (SAL) in Recife from the Covid-19 time and once
Rozélia Bezerra
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Resenhas críticas
Decoding genetically modified organisms and their impact on food
Ewerton Reubens Coelho-Costa
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